20 research outputs found

    Age Dynamics of Congruence Effects in the Numerical Stroop Task in School-Age Children

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    On the one hand, the numerical version of the Stroop task can be a test to measure how much symbolic quantity estimation (comparison of numbers) is distorted by the physical dimensions estimation (numbers of different sizes). On the other hand, this test can show how the physical size estimation is distorted by the quantitative parameters evaluation. In this study two congruency effects were compared and the age dynamics of differences between them in schoolchildren in grades 4–9 was revealed. Differences in the congruency effects between age groups were found in the assessment of physical parameters, but not the numerosity evaluation. The results indicate changes in the physical parameters processing of numeric characters arising from younger to older age. The changes are caused by distortion of the number physical size evaluation by quantitative parameters.Числовой вариант задачи Струпа может выступать в качестве теста, который позволяет измерить то, насколько оценка количества в символической форме (сравнение чисел) искажается оценкой физических размеров (цифры разного размера), и в какой степени оценка физического размера искажается оценкой количественных параметров. В представленном исследовании сравниваются два эффекта конгруэнтности и выявляется возрастная динамика различий между ними у школьников 4–9‑х классов. Обнаружены различия в эффектах конгруэнтности при оценке физических параметров, но не значения числа между возрастными группами. Результаты свидетельствуют об изменениях в обработке физических параметров числовых символов, возникающих от младшего к старшему возрасту и вызванных искажением оценки физического размера числа количественными параметрами.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-29-14138 «Когнитивные и психофизиологические механизмы чувства числа»

    Coping Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has subjected people around the world to severe stress, evoking a variety of coping responses. Coping responses can be broadly classified into four strategies: 1) problem-focused coping; 2) emotion-focused coping; 3) socially supported coping; and 4) avoidance. While there is a wide variability of individual coping responses, to some extent they are also culturally specific. Objective. This study aimed to compare the differences in the prevalence and factor structure of coping responses during COVID-19 pandemic in three countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. Design. The sample included 501 participants from Russia, 456 participants from Kyrgyzstan, and 354 participants from Peru. The mean age of participants was 28 years in Russia (SD = 13.5); 24 years in Kyrgyzstan (SD = 10.0); and 30 years in Peru (SD = 12.3). In Russia and Kyrgyzstan, coping strategies were assessed with an abbreviated Russian adaptation of the COPE (Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced) questionnaire. In Peru, coping responses were assessed using the Spanish version of the Brief COPE questionnaire. The average scores from fifteen COPE scales were used as the input data for linear modelling and factor analysis. Results. The coping scores varied substantially within each country. Differences between countries accounted for 17.7% of the total variability in religious coping; 15.8% in acceptance; 13.9% in mental disengagement; and less than 7% in the other coping strategies. No difference in the prevalence of coping responses was found between Russian and Kyrgyz participants after accounting for age and gender. In all three countries the coping responses were associated with the same four coping domains: problem-focused coping, socially supported coping, avoidance, and emotion-focused coping. Four factors explained up to 44% of the total variation in the COPE scores. Religious coping and mental disengagement were classified into different coping domains in the three countries. Conclusion. The results suggest that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people from different countries apply the full range of coping responses within the four universal coping strategies. Religious coping and mental disengagement differed the most across the countries, suggesting that some coping behaviors can take on different roles within the system of coping responses to stressful events. We attribute these differences to differing cultural and socioeconomic characteristics, and the different measures taken by governments in response to COVID-19

    The role of the KIBRA and APOE genes in developing spatial abilities in humans

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    In the contemporary high-tech society, spatial abilities predict individual life and professional success, especially in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. According to neurobiological hypotheses, individual differences in cognitive abilities may be attributed to the functioning of genes involved in the regulation of neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity. In addition, genome-wide association studies identified rs17070145 located in the KIBRA gene, which was associated with individual differences in episodic memory. Considering a significant role of genetic and environmental components in cognitive functioning, the present study aimed to estimate the main effect of NGF (rs6330), NRXN1 (rs1045881, rs4971648), KIBRA (rs17070145), NRG1 (rs6994992), BDNF (rs6265), GRIN2B (rs3764030), APOE (rs7412, rs429358), and SNAP25 (rs363050) gene polymorphisms and to assess the effect of gene-environment interactions on individual differences in spatial ability in individuals without cognitive decline aged 18–25 years (N = 1011, 80 % women). Spatial abilities were measured using a battery of cognitive tests including the assessment of “3D shape rotation” (mental rotation). Multiple regression analysis, which was carried out in the total sample controlling for sex, ethnicity and the presence of the “risk” APOE ε4 allele, demonstrated the association of the rs17070145 Т-allele in the KIBRA gene with enhanced spatial ability (β = 1.32; pFDR = 0.037) compared to carriers of the rs17070145 CC-genotype. The analysis of gene-environment interactions revealed that nicotine smoking (β = 3.74; p = 0.010) and urban/rural residency in childhood (β = –6.94; p = 0.0002) modulated the association of KIBRA rs17070145 and АРОЕ (rs7412, rs429358) gene variants with individual differences in mental rotation, respectively. The data obtained confirm the effect of the KIBRA rs17070145 Т-allele on improved cognitive functioning and for the first time evidence the association of the mentioned genetic variant with spatial abilities in humans. A “protective” effect of the APOE ε2 allele on enhanced cognitive functioning is observed only under certain conditions related to childhood rearing

    Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Brief COPE in Russian Schoolteachers

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    This study investigates the psychometric properties of brief COPE in Russian schoolteachers. A total of 773 (91% female; M = 43, SD = 9.79) teachers participated in the study. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were applied to assess the psychometric properties of the brief COPE. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was used to assess the construct validity. The main result of the current research is a revised structure for the brief COPE consisting of six sub-scales: «socio-emotional support», «religion», «acceptance», «problem-focused coping», «avoidance», and «humor». The goodness-of-fit criteria were as follows: SRMR = 0.054, RMSEA = 0.064, CFI = 0.888, and TLI = 869. Overall, the Russian version of the brief COPE shows acceptable psychometric properties and may be applied by researchers, school administrators, and psychologists; however, the reliability of the “avoidance” scale is doubtful and must be considered before application. © 2022 by the authors

    Psychophysiological Mechanisms of Two Quantity Systems in Adolescents

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    Исследование посвящено изучению роли двух систем оценки количества в разных условиях доступа к визуальным параметрам стимулов в подростковом возрасте. 20 подростков (M = 14,65 лет, SD = 1,46 года) выполняли задачи на несимволическое сравнение количества, на перцептивную точность, на соотнесение количества, представленного в несимволическом и символическом формате. Показано, что в условиях облегченного доступа к визуальным параметрам активируется система оценки количества, основанной на визуальных параметрах; в условиях затрудненного доступа к визуальным параметрам активируется система прямой (непосредственной) оценки количества.The study is devoted to investigation of the role of two quantity systems in different conditions of access to stimuli visual parameters in adolescence. 20 adolescents (M = 14,65 years, SD = 1,46 years) performed tasks for non-symbolic comparison of quantities, for perceptual accuracy, for comparison of non-symbolic and symbolic quantities. As a result, it is shown that in conditions of easy access to visual parameters a quantity estimation system based on visual parameters is activated; in conditions of difficult access to visual parameters the system of direct quantity estimation is activated.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19‑29‑14138 «Когнитивные и психофизиологические механизмы чувства числа»

    Coping Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has subjected people around the world to severe stress, evoking a variety of coping responses. Coping responses can be broadly classified into four strategies: 1) problem-focused coping; 2) emotion-focused coping; 3) socially supported coping; and 4) avoidance. While there is a wide variability of individual coping responses, to some extent they are also culturally specific. Objective. This study aimed to compare the differences in the prevalence and factor structure of coping responses during COVID-19 pandemic in three countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. Design. The sample included 501 participants from Russia, 456 participants from Kyrgyzstan, and 354 participants from Peru. The mean age of participants was 28 years in Russia (SD = 13.5); 24 years in Kyrgyzstan (SD = 10.0); and 30 years in Peru (SD = 12.3). In Russia and Kyrgyzstan, coping strategies were assessed with an abbreviated Russian adaptation of the COPE (Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced) questionnaire. In Peru, coping responses were assessed using the Spanish version of the Brief COPE questionnaire. The average scores from fifteen COPE scales were used as the input data for linear modelling and factor analysis. Results. The coping scores varied substantially within each country. Differences between countries accounted for 17.7% of the total variability in religious coping; 15.8% in acceptance; 13.9% in mental disengagement; and less than 7% in the other coping strategies. No difference in the prevalence of coping responses was found between Russian and Kyrgyz participants after accounting for age and gender. In all three countries the coping responses were associated with the same four coping domains: problem-focused coping, socially supported coping, avoidance, and emotion-focused coping. Four factors explained up to 44% of the total variation in the COPE scores. Religious coping and mental disengagement were classified into different coping domains in the three countries. Conclusion. The results suggest that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people from different countries apply the full range of coping responses within the four universal coping strategies. Religious coping and mental disengagement differed the most across the countries, suggesting that some coping behaviors can take on different roles within the system of coping responses to stressful events. We attribute these differences to differing cultural and socioeconomic characteristics, and the different measures taken by governments in response to COVID-19. © 2020. Lomonosov Moscow State University. All Rights Reserved.is study was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 20-04-60394)